Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Planting Procrastination

I am the biggest procrastinator there is....I believe it is a genetic defect as my mother is worse than I! So, with that said, I recently discovered something that I totally forgot about and was supposed to have completed last fall!! In the trunk of my car was a bag of 100 daffodil bulbs hidden under a big sign. Poor things. The yellowed sprouts that had emerged were begging for soil and sun. Two weeks ago, I had purchased 6 tiny blueberry plants, 2 small but sturdy 'Heritage' raspberry plants and 10 dinner plate dahlias. I had some work to do and yes, I did complete all of my planting. I even weeded around my hyacinths without getting stung. There were many bees and wasps buzzing in and out of the blooms. Wouldn't you know the weather man was calling for a tempurature dip down to 32 degrees so I overturned small plastic buckets to protect my new little berry babies. Three of the blueberry 'stems' even have tiny delicate blooms.

Last year, we received an early frost just as my dahlias were in the height of their glory. I thought maybe this year I would start a few in pots to get a head start before planting in the ground after Mother's Day. Around here, it is discouraged to put out summer plants before that date. I planted maybe 5 bulbs and the containers are next to the brick wall on the back porch. Ok, the planting is done, now what is left that I have procrastinated about....hmmm, weeding, edging, buying bone and blood meal, spraying pasture pro on the paddocks....the list goes on and on! Maybe I will wait until tomorrow~

1 comment:

Totally Timmy said...

I'm still waiting for some spring to arrive! Your pics give me hope!