Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pretty Is As Pretty Does!

My boy Blue receives many a compliment when folks see him at a show or when they visit the farm. I always answer with a polite thank you but add 'pretty is as pretty does'! Proof of this old adage can been seen below!

Yesterday evening was perfect for nibbling on some grass.

But, Jessie was itchy...'Blue, scratch my back, please...'

'Jessie, you always want your neck scratched! OK, I will do it for you!'

'Oohhh, Blue that is a good spot but watch your teeth. I am trusting you to a very tender spot so no nipping!'

'Ouch, you bit me! Loser!

'Fine, Jessie, if I can't nip a little bit then I will just stop!'

'Besides, I am tired of this anyway, you go back to eating your grass.'

After shoving Jessie away, both horses resumed eating grass.

So, there you have it...Blue being bad. Is that a face only a mother could love?


JC said...

Love the photos !!!

My Dad had horses that I took care of for him. I wish I had a farm where I could rescue a few but I donate to rescue groups instead.

~~~ I'm having a Pay It Forward on my blog. Stop by if you're interested ~~~

SolitaireMare said...

Ha! I loved the "ouch you bit me -loser!" picture! thanks for sharing them all!

Dog Trot Farm said...

Great post, just love all your wonderful animals. Do you have llama's as well?

Paint Girl said...

Ha Ha! Loved the commentary! And wonderful pictures! They both are very pretty!

Ali said...

I love the narration lol! He is a cutie, his behavior reminds me of our Gunner. He was being naughty today actually, galloping around the little pasture after it had rained, I was so afraid he would slip! And he of course got Pegasus going too. There just isn't enough room for their antics!

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

too funny.. sometimes it seems like you can see what they would be saying.. good thing they have you to interpret for them!

Good pictures, as always!

Wish on a Whisker said...

You have the sweetest animals! ~Mandy

Trailboss said...

I came across your blog from Pony Girl. Your place is beautiful! I will be back. Hop over to my blog.